This is a family-friendly 4-mile hike on the beautiful Little River Trail to the awesome Huskey Branch Cascades where we will head back. Will we find the old toll bridge? On return we have the option of exploring the vacation cabins at Elkmont, learn some history and see what is new. Will we find the Mayo House, one of the oldest which was originally on Jakes Creek. Meet 10AM at the Little River trail head.
Reservations required. We will follow club covid protocol. Take interstate 40 to 129 toward Maryville, exit Maryville ramp. Follow 321 into Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Turn left at the Wye and continue along the Little River Road. Just before the Elkmont campground entrance turn left.The Little River Trail head is 0.6 miles up this side road. There is a parking area. RT 110 miles to and from West Knoxville. Carpool fee $0.05 / mile. Please contact leader if you have signed up but can not come.
Leader: Adele Soucy 865-352-9156
Smoky Mountains Hiking Club
PO Box 51592
Knoxville, TN 37950-1592