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Smoky Mountains

Hiking Club

Be sure to check out How We Rate Outings as you consider a hike.
Also be aware of Hiker Responsibilities while on an SMHC hike.

Upcoming events

    • 02/19/2025
    • 8:45 AM
    • Lumber Ridge trailhead, Tremont, GSMNP

    This hike starts at the Tremont Institute. The trail is 8 miles with an ascent of 1,250 feet. Lunch will be eaten at Buckhorn Gap at the Meigs Mountain and Meigs Creek junction. The return trip does not have much ascent. This hike is considered moderate. Meet at the Kroger Parking lot at 8:00 am at 244 S Hall road, Alcoa (park at the side of the building near the SE corner) or be at the trail head at 8:45 am. Carpool 46 miles roundtrip at 7 cents/miles = $3.22 to the driver.

    Leader: Thomas Welch

    Leader contact information is included under Additional Information in the email you receive after registration.

    • 02/22/2025

    The Cat Stairs serve as the west and north faces of Greenbrier Pinnacle and have forever been a storied part of the Great Smokies. Seen from a vantage point like Mount LeConte, The Cat Stairs appear to be huge rock stairs serving as the ascent to the Pinnacle Ridge. Wrapping around the northwest corner of Greenbrier Pinnacle, The Cat Stairs provide endless opportunities for exploration. This excursion will begin at the Road to the Ramsey Cascade Trailhead. The trek will follow the road that the settlers once used to ascend to the Barnes Place where we will pause to pay our respects at the cemetery and homestead. At this point, the fun will begin as we ascend the steep boulder fields on our approach to the main cliffs of The Cat Stairs. After passing through the cliffs, we will catch the views that are offered before plunging down the Cable Route to the Lunch Spot for superior views and possible falcon appearances. Total trip: off-trail 5.5 mile, on-trail 0 mile, 8 hours, drive 100 miles RT. This off-trail trip is rated difficult.

    Leader: Greg Harrell

    To register, contact the leaders directly. You can find contact information in the February 2025 newsletter writeup for this hike.

    • 02/22/2025
    • 9:30 AM
    • Lost Creek Falls and Cave trailhead, White’s Cave Rd, Sparta TN 38583
    • 22

    The Tennessee State Natural Area’s website states that “Lost Creek State Natural Area is a diverse area situated on the western flank of the Cumberland Plateau. Its scenic highlight is the beautiful Lost Creek Falls and Cave in White County. Lost Creek Falls is geologically similar to its nearby cousin, Virgin Falls, in that the creek emerges from large spring, or collapsed cave on top, drops over the 40’ falls, and disappears underground again.” Lost Creek Falls and Cave is a short loop at the trailhead. Then we will travel 0.5 miles by car to the Rylander Cascades trailhead for the hike to Virgin Falls. Along the trail, see the namesake Rylander Cascades and hike the spur to Dry Creek Falls before continuing to Virgin Falls for lunch. After lunch, hike a loop to Sheep Cave, and a campsite on Caney Fork before returning on Rylander Cascades Trail. Total approximately 11 miles, 900 feet elevation gain. Rated Difficult. Carpooling is recommended.

    Meet at Lowes Harriman (1800 Roane State Hwy, Harriman, TN. Exit 350 off of I-40.). Plan for time to arrange the carpool, load, and to leave by 7:45 am. Drive to Lost Creek Falls and Cave Trailhead) 1 hour and 30 Minutes, one way 75 miles to the trailhead. Riders round up to pay $11.00 cash to drivers. (Calculation: RT 150 miles x $0.07/mi= $10.50). Everyone meets at Lost Creek Falls and Cave Trailhead, (White’s Cave Rd, Sparta TN 38583) ready to start hiking by 9:30 am. Finish hike by approximately 3:30 pm and return to Lowes by approximately 5:00 pm.

    Leaders: Larry Johnson and Myra Moldaw

    Leader contact information is included under Additional Information in the email you receive after registration.

    • 03/01/2025
    • Yellow Creek trailhead near Fontana, NC

    This work trip will focus on treadway improvements north of the Yellow Creek trailhead in the Nantahala National Forest, near Fontana NC.  From the parking area, we will hike north past Cable Gap Shelter, pausing briefly to discuss recent developments regarding this historic shelter, and continue for another mile and a half to build 8-10 steps in a steeply pitched area of the AT trail corridor.  Along the way, we will cut back any vegetation that is crowding the corridor as necessary. 

    In addition to water and lunch, please bring gloves, eye protection, sturdy shoes, and long sleeves.   

    As with all SMHC club maintenance hikes,  if anyone becomes ill within a few days of the event, with symptoms concerning COVID-19, contact the hike leader immediately. For regular pre-hike prep, please visit 

    All participants should have hand sanitizer or wipes. If any participant feels sick, please stay at home.

    If Carpooling from TN, meet at the Walmart on Hwy 411 South in Maryville at 8:00 a.m.  Contact Franklin Lafond for further carpool information and to coordinate: or (678) 646-3380.

    Leader: Randy Bullock, Franklin LaFond

    Leader contact information is included under Additional Information in the email you receive after registration.

    • 04/05/2025
    • Fontana, NC
    This work trip will focus on treadway rehab in the section between Fontana Dam and Campsite 113/Birch Springs. Specific locations of work will be based on prioritization of work needed. The SMHC Newsletter will provide details on what to bring and where we will meet.
    • 05/03/2025
    • Davenport Gap, TN
    This work trip will focus on treadway rehab in the section between Davenport Gap and Mt Cammerer. Specific locations of work will be based on prioritization of work needed. The SMHC Newsletter will provide details on what to bring and where we will meet.
    • 05/16/2025
    • 05/23/2025
    • Konnarock Trail Crew
    This work trip will support the annual A.T. Konnarock Trail Crew in the National Forest. Each year, volunteers from across the country sign up for this ATC-sponsored summer trail crew, over a week-long period. This year, the crew will be. The work site is approximately 1 mile from the trailhead. Car camping is available on a vehicle-accessible gated Forest Service road. SMHC volunteers who participate for 3 or more days on the project will receive a commemorative ATC Trails Crew T-Shirt.
    • 06/07/2025
    • Newfound Gap

    Join us to celebrate our club’s 28th annual NTD event! Each year, nearly 100 volunteers come out to help rehab the 12-mile-long, high-use trail sections, between Double Springs and Icewater Springs shelters. Volunteers are divided into teams of 6-8 individuals and assigned to work a section roughly 1-1.5 miles long. A picnic-style meal and door prizes are provided at the end of the workday.

    Registration for this event is required at least 2 weeks in advance. A link to the registration form will be added to our website and published in our April and May newsletters.

    • 07/12/2025
    • Fontana, NC
    This work trip will focus on treadway rehab in the Nantahala National Forest between The Nantahala Outdoor Rafting Center and Fontana Dam. Specific locations of work will be based on prioritization of work needed. The SMHC Newsletter will provide details on what to bring and where we will meet.
    • 08/02/2025
    • AT
    Each season, several hundred pounds of hardwood mulch are used at each of our backcountry privies to aid in proper composting. This work trip will focus on packing mulch to one or more of our backcountry privy locations that is less than 3 miles from the trailhead. Mulch is put in 20 lb. bags for carrying. The club has extra backpacking-style backpacks if needed. The SMHC Newsletter will provide details on what to bring and where we will meet.
    • 09/06/2025
    • Cosby Campground
    This work trip will focus on treadway rehab in the section between Mt Cammerer Fire Tower and Camel Gap. Access to the work area will be via the 2.5 mile Low Gap Trail, starting at the Cosby Campground. Specific locations of work will be based on prioritization of work needed. The SMHC Newsletter will provide details on what to bring and where we will meet.
    • 10/04/2025
    • Newfound Gap

    This work trip will focus on treadway rehab in the section between Newfound Gap to Icewater Springs. This is our most heavily used section of trail, and it sees a lot of wear each season. Specific locations of work will be based on prioritization of work needed. The SMHC Newsletter will provide details on what to bring and where we will meet.

    • 11/01/2025
    • TBD
    November is time to start winding down the trail maintenance season. This work day will be focused on cleaning, sharpening, repairing, inventorying, and storing the club’s tools for the winter. The SMHC Newsletter will provide details on what to bring and where we will meet.

Past events

02/15/2025 Easy Hike: Sharps Ridge Veterans Memorial Park
02/15/2025 Haw Ridge Park
02/08/2025 Little River / Goshen Prong to Campsite #23
02/05/2025 Wednesday Hike: Chestnut Top
02/02/2025 Cumberland Trail: Graysville Mountain Section (Sunday)
01/25/2025 Stinging Fork Falls Section of Cumberland Trail
01/25/2025 Trillium Gap to Brushy Mountain
01/18/2025 New Member History Hike: Old Sugarlands Trail to Cherokee Orchard Road
01/15/2025 Wednesday Hike: Little River Trail to CS30
01/11/2025 Easy Hike: Alcoa Greenway ** Cancelled due to weather **
01/11/2025 Off Trail Hike: Camel Hump Creek ** Cancelled, will be rescheduled **
01/04/2025 Chestnut Top
01/01/2025 Wednesday Hike: Curry Mountain Trail & Meigs Mountain Trail to CS20
12/28/2024 House Mountain
12/21/2024 West Prong/Bote Mountain/Finley Cane/Lead Cove
12/18/2024 Wednesday Hike: Meigs Mountain Trail
12/14/2024 2024 Holiday Banquet and Installation Dinner
12/07/2024 Brushy Mountain
12/07/2024 Off Trail Hike: Bearpen Hollow - Marshall Wilson Legacy Hike
12/04/2024 Wednesday Hike: Cove Mountain
11/30/2024 Frozen Head-Chimney Tops
11/23/2024 New Member Hike: Seven Islands State Birding Park
11/17/2024 Ramsey Cascades (Sunday)
11/16/2024 Porters Creek to Backcountry Campsite 31
11/13/2024 Wednesday Hike: Schoolhouse Gap, Turkey Pen Ridge, Finley Cane, Bote Mountain Loop
11/09/2024 Low Gap Trail to Mt. Cammerer Fire Lookout
11/06/2024 Wednesday Hike: West Prong Trail-In and Out
11/03/2024 Cooper Road-Hatcher Mountain-Little Bottoms Lollipop (Sunday)
11/02/2024 AT Work Trip
11/02/2024 Off Trail Hike: Mill Creek Falls - Ray Payne Legacy Hike
10/26/2024 Lead Cove/Bote Mountain to Thunderhead
10/19/2024 Hemphill Bald Loop from Polls Gap
10/13/2024 East Lakeshore Trail-Sinking Creek Branch (Sunday)
10/12/2024 Off Trail Hike: Rocky Crag via the Righteous Way - Jim Thompson Legacy Hike
10/12/2024 Backpack: Thomas Divide and Sunkota Ridge to CS 51
10/12/2024 AT Work Trip
10/09/2024 Wednesday Hike: Needles Eye, Big South Fork
10/06/2024 Easy Hike: Ijams Geology Walk (Sunday)
10/05/2024 2024 Centennial Banquet
10/02/2024 Wednesday Hike: Lead Cove/Bote Mountain to Thunderhead
09/21/2024 Cane Creek/Cooper Road/Beard Cane/Old Boundary Trail Loop
09/18/2024 Wednesday Hike: Rabbit Creek/Hannah Mountain to Campsite 14
09/15/2024 Newfound Gap to Charlies Bunion Conservation History Hike (Sunday)
09/14/2024 Stanley Lippencott Ridge Loop and Mac Post Dogwood Elementary
09/11/2024 Wednesday Hike: Jakes Creek to Campsite 23 on Goshen Prong via Cucumber Gap
09/07/2024 Off Trail Hike: Eagle Rocks Prong - Guy Frizzell Legacy Hike
08/31/2024 Big South Fork-Yahoo Falls Loop
08/28/2024 Wednesday Hike: Mount Sterling via Baxter Creek Trail
08/24/2024 Twin Arches at Big South Fork
08/17/2024 Easy Hike: UT Arboretum
08/17/2024 Rainbow Falls to Mt. Le Conte
08/17/2024 Off Trail Hike: Sweat Heifer Creek from Newfound Gap - Albert G. “Dutch Roth” Legacy Hike
08/14/2024 Wednesday Hike: Brushy Mountain via Trillium Gap Spur
08/10/2024 SMHC Annual Election Picnic 2024
08/03/2024 AT Work Trip
07/31/2024 Wednesday Hike: Little River Trail-Huskey Gap Trail-Sugarland Mountain Trail-Fighting Creek Gap Rd Loop
07/27/2024 Clingmans Dome to Elkmont Conservation History Hike
07/20/2024 New Member Hike: Little River-Cucumber Gap-Jakes Creek Loop
07/20/2024 Off Trail Hike: Mount Le Conte via Cannon Creek - Jessie Dempster Legacy Hike
07/17/2024 Wednesday Hike: Rich Mountain Trail from Rich Mountain Road to CS6
07/13/2024 Easy Hike: Knoxville Botanical Gardens
07/13/2024 AT Work Trip
07/06/2024 Centennial Service Project - SMHC Cabin Work Trip
06/29/2024 Frozen Head State Park Observation Tower
06/23/2024 Thomas Divide Trail to Campsite 52 (Sunday)
06/19/2024 Wednesday Hike: Curry Mountain Trail
06/16/2024 Gregory Bald via Gregory Ridge (Sunday)
06/15/2024 Easy Hike: Porters Creek Cabin Sites
06/08/2024 Joyce Kilmer/Slickrock and Citico Creek: Big Fat Gap Loop
06/08/2024 Off Trail Hike: Drinkwater Pool - Harvey Broome Legacy Hike
06/05/2024 Wednesday Hike: Lumber Ridge Trail
06/01/2024 National Trails Day
05/25/2024 New Member Hike: Middle Prong to Indian Flats Falls
05/25/2024 Off Trail Hike: Woolly Tops - Charlie Klabunde Legacy Hike
05/22/2024 Wednesday Hike: East Lakeshore Trail-Canal and Baker Hollow Branches
05/19/2024 Twentymile to Shuckstack (Sunday)
05/18/2024 Little River Trail Backpack to Campsite 30 (Saturday and Sunday)
05/11/2024 SMHC Centennial Fish Fry and Square Dance
05/10/2024 AT Work Trip - Konnarock Trail Crew
05/08/2024 Wednesday Hike: East Lakeshore Trail-Sinking Creek Branch
05/05/2024 The Road to Nowhere Loop Conservation History Hike (Sunday)
05/04/2024 North Boundary Greenway-West End of Oak Ridge
05/04/2024 AT Work Trip
04/27/2024 Bradley Fork to Cabin Flats—Wildflower Hike
04/20/2024 Panther Branch/North Old Mac Flower Hike
04/20/2024 AT Trail Maintenance Backpack
04/17/2024 Wednesday Hike: Alum Cave Trail to Mt. LeConte/Cliff Top
04/14/2024 Off Trail Hike: Bent Arm Manway - Leroy Fox Legacy Hike
04/13/2024 Victor Ashe Park
04/10/2024 Wednesday Hike: Rich Mountain-Crooked Arm Loop
04/07/2024 Abrams Falls via Abrams Ranger Station (Sunday)
04/06/2024 AT Work Trip
03/30/2024 Cumberland Gap: White Rocks and Sand Cave
03/30/2024 Off Trail Hike: Mount Winnesoka via Big and Little Dudley Creeks - Ernie Dickerman Legacy Hike
03/23/2024 Alum Cave Trail to Mt. Le Conte
03/20/2024 Wednesday Hike: Gregory Bald via Gregory Ridge Trail
03/16/2024 Chestnut Top Trail
03/13/2024 Wednesday Hike: Rainbow Falls to Mount LeConte
03/09/2024 Easy Hike: UT Arboretum
03/09/2024 Lost Creek State Natural Area to Virgin Falls
03/02/2024 AT Work Trip
02/24/2024 Big Ridge State Park - Sharps Station
02/24/2024 Off Trail Hike: Greencamp Manway - Ken and Helen Warren Legacy Hike
02/17/2024 Rich Mountain Loop/Crooked Arm Ridge/Indian Grave Gap Loop
02/14/2024 Wednesday Hike: Loyston Point, Norris
02/10/2024 Canal & Baker Hollow Branches of the East Lakeshore Trail
02/07/2024 Wednesday Hike: Baskins Creek/Grapeyard Ridge
02/03/2024 Haw Ridge Park
01/28/2024 Baskins Creek and Grapeyard Ridge Trails (Sunday - New Date)
01/27/2024 Bird Mountain/Ross Gap Loop
01/24/2024 Wednesday Hike: [Revised] Rich Mountain Loop/Crooked Arm Ridge/Indian Grave Gap
01/20/2024 AT Work Trip
01/14/2024 Easy Hike: Alcoa Greenway (Sunday)
01/13/2024 Stinging Fork Falls Section of the Cumberland Trail
01/10/2024 Wednesday Hike: Rich Mountain Loop/Crooked Arm Ridge/Indian Grave Gap
01/06/2024 New Member Hike: Albright Grove
01/06/2024 Off Trail Hike: LeConte Creek - Louise Smith Legacy Hike
12/30/2023 Fort Dickerson
12/27/2023 Wednesday Hike: Rock Creek Gorge
12/23/2023 North Ridge Trail
12/20/2023 Wednesday Hike: Spicewood Trail to Mart Field or Chimney Top
12/16/2023 Middle Prong History Hike
12/09/2023 2023 Holiday Banquet
12/02/2023 Off Trail Hike: Hornet Treetop
12/02/2023 Off Trail Hike: Dudley Creek History Hike
11/30/2023 SMHC Centennial Beer Launch Party
11/29/2023 Wednesday Hike: Lakeshore Trail to Campsite 90
11/25/2023 Cumberland Trail from Sarvis Trailhead to Chimney Rock
11/18/2023 New Member Hike: Ijams and Environs
11/18/2023 Off Trail Hike: Panther Stairs
11/11/2023 Sampson Mountain Wilderness, Cherokee National Forest
11/08/2023 Wednesday Hike: North Old Mac, Chimney Top - Frozen Head State Park
11/04/2023 AT Work Trip
11/03/2023 Fontana Lake Clean Up Event
10/28/2023 Mount Cammerer via Chestnut Branch
10/25/2023 Wednesday Hike: Low Gap to Mount Cammerer
10/22/2023 Gibson Gap and Lewis Hollow Trails Cumberland Gap National Historic Park (Sunday)
10/18/2023 Wednesday Hike: Cumberland Trail-Devil’s Breakfast Table
10/07/2023 AT Work Trip
10/07/2023 Off Trail Hike: Fontana Lake and Forney Creek Float and Hike
09/30/2023 Hemphill Bald Loop
09/24/2023 Easy Hike: The Crag at Ijams (Sunday)
09/23/2023 Rich Mountain Loop to John Oliver Cabin
09/23/2023 Off Trail Hike: No-Name Ridge
09/20/2023 Wednesday Hike: Old Settlers Trail
09/16/2023 Lamar Alexander Rocky Fork State Park
09/09/2023 AT Work Trip
09/06/2023 Wednesday Hike: Cooper Road and Hatcher Mountain
09/02/2023 Old Sugarlands, Twin Creeks, and Gatlinburg Loop
08/26/2023 AT-Fork Ridge and Deep Creek Trails
08/19/2023 Easy Hike: UT Arboretum
08/19/2023 Bullhead Trail to Mt. Le Conte, return via Rainbow Falls
08/16/2023 Wednesday Hike: Middle Prong Trail to Indian Flat Falls
08/12/2023 SMHC Annual Election Picnic 2023
08/05/2023 AT Work Trip
08/05/2023 Off Trail Hike: Deep Creek
08/02/2023 Wednesday Hike: Gabes Mountain Trail to Campsite 34
07/29/2023 New Member Hike: Big Creek to Walnut Bottoms
07/26/2023 Wednesday Hike: Little River-Sugarland Mountain Loop via Huskey Gap and Old Road Manway
07/22/2023 Yellow Creek Mountain Trail: Fontana to Tapoco
07/16/2023 Easy Hike: John Oliver Cabin via Rich Mountain Loop Trail (Sunday)
07/15/2023 Rocky Top
07/15/2023 Off Trail Hike: Sweat Heifer Creek
07/12/2023 Wednesday Hike: Rich Mountain Trail to Campsite 6
07/08/2023 AT Work Trip
07/01/2023 Charlies Bunion
06/24/2023 Carvers Gap to Yellow Mountain Gap, Roan Mountain
06/21/2023 Wednesday Hike: Curry Mountain Trail
06/17/2023 Gregory Bald via Gregory Ridge
06/17/2023 Off Trail Hike: Huggins Creek
06/10/2023 South Citico Creek and Jeffery Hell Loop, Cherokee National Forest
06/07/2023 Wednesday Hike: Lumber Ridge Trail
06/04/2023 Easy Hike: Fittified Spring in Greenbrier (Sunday)
06/03/2023 National Trails Day
05/28/2023 Joint SMHC-CMC Memorial Day Hike - Gabes Mountain Trail (Sunday)
05/24/2023 Wednesday Hike: Sinking Creek Branch of the East Lakeshore Trail
05/20/2023 Goldmine Trail to Cane Creek Trail
05/13/2023 Lumber Ridge Trail
05/13/2023 Off Trail Hike: Foothills Parkway Right-of-Way from the Glades to Emerts Cove
05/10/2023 Wednesday Hike: Canal & Baker Hollow Branches of the East Lakeshore Trail
05/06/2023 Easy Hike: UT Aboretum
05/06/2023 AT Work Trip
05/06/2023 Off Trail Hike: Rocky Crag
04/29/2023 Little River Trail and Cucumber Gap Loop Hike
04/22/2023 Norris River Bluff Trail - New Member Hike
04/19/2023 Wednesday Hike: AT, Dry Sluice, Grassy Branch, Sweat Heifer Loop
04/15/2023 Wildflower Loop Hike at Frozen Head State Park
04/15/2023 Off Trail Hike: Wilson Falls
04/08/2023 Map Marker: Little Cataloochee Trail to Pretty Hollow Campsite 39
04/05/2023 Wednesday Hike: Ace Gap Trail to Campsite 3 on Beard Cane Trail
04/04/2023 Easy Hike: Norris Watershed (Tuesday)
04/01/2023 AT Work Trip
03/29/2023 Wednesday Hike: Bradley Fork to Cabin Flats
03/26/2023 Easy Hike: Middle Prong Trail in Tremont (Sunday)
03/25/2023 Laurel Snow State Natural Area
03/25/2023 Off and On Trail Hike: Crooked Arm Branch
03/18/2023 Abrams Falls from Cades Cove - New Member Hike
03/15/2023 Wednesday Hike: Cosby Connector Trails (Map Marker Hike)
03/11/2023 Elkmont Loop
03/04/2023 AT Work Trip
02/25/2023 Pogue Creek Canyon
02/25/2023 Off Trail Hike: The Catstairs
02/18/2023 Elkmont to Tremont or to Metcalf Bottoms
02/15/2023 Wednesday Hike: Mt. Cammerer from Davenport Gap via the AT
02/11/2023 East Tellico Lakeshore Trail, Sinking Creek and Lotterdale Branch
02/08/2023 Wednesday Hike: Pickett State Park Loop
02/04/2023 Will Skelton Greenway Walk
01/28/2023 Norris Dam State Park Lakeview Trail Loop
01/22/2023 Easy Hike: Ijams Nature Center (Sunday)
01/21/2023 Rich Mountain Loop
01/18/2023 Wednesday Hike: Curry Mountain Trail & Meigs Mountain Trail to Campsite #20
01/14/2023 New Member Hike: Abrams Falls from Cades Cove
01/12/2023 Virtual: Leave No Trace with Christine Hoyer
01/11/2023 Wednesday Hike: Big Creek Trail to Campsite #36
01/07/2023 Chestnut Top
01/07/2023 Off Trail Hike: Asbury Trail
12/21/2022 Spicewood Trail to Mart Field or Chimney Top
12/17/2022 Old Settlers Trail from Tyson McCarter Barn to Steiner Bell Manway
12/14/2022 Rich Mountain Loop, Crooked Arm Loop, Indian Grave Gap
12/11/2022 2022 Holiday Banquet
12/03/2022 Ijams Boardwalk and Quarries
11/30/2022 Wednesday Hike: Cooper Road to Little Bottoms Lollipop
11/26/2022 Lead Cove, Bote Mountain, Finley Cane Loop
11/19/2022 Mt. Sterling Loop
11/12/2022 Norris Watershed and Norris Dam State Park
11/12/2022 Off Trail Hike: Meigs Mountain
11/09/2022 Wednesday Hike: Mingus Creek Trail to Deeplow Gap Trail and Beyond
11/05/2022 Oak Ridge North Ridge Trail
11/04/2022 Fontana Lake Clean Up Event
10/30/2022 Easy Hike: Haw Ridge, Scenic East Side Trails along Melton Hill Lake (Sunday)
10/29/2022 Map Marker: Mt. Cammerer via Low Gap and Lower Mt Cammerer
10/29/2022 Off Trail Hike: Miner Stairs of Leadmine Ridge and Mount Cammerer
10/26/2022 Wednesday Hike: Low Gap to Mt. Cammerer Out and back
10/22/2022 Hemphill Bald Loop
10/15/2022 Needles Eye, Big South Fork (Out and Back)
10/08/2022 Map Marker: Hannah Mountain and Rabbit Creek Trails
10/05/2022 Wednesday Hike: Nemo Bridge to Breakaway Bluff and beyond, Cumberland Trail
10/01/2022 AT Work Trip
09/24/2022 AT Family Hike: Sugarland Mountain Trail to Indian Gap
09/23/2022 Easy Hike on UT Agriculture Campus
09/17/2022 Twin Arches at Big South Fork
09/17/2022 AT Work Trip
09/17/2022 Backpack from Cades Cove to Spence Field Shelter
09/14/2022 Wednesday Hike: Jakes Creek, Cucumber Gap, Little River, and CS 23 to Goshen Prong Trail
09/10/2022 Fontana Lake and Hazel Creek Paddle
09/07/2022 Wednesday Hike: Jakes Creek and Meigs Mountain Trails to CS 19
09/03/2022 Jackson Bend Branch of the East Lakeshore Trail
08/28/2022 Map Marker: Noland Creek and Lower Noland Divide Trails
08/27/2022 Easy Hike: UT Arboretum
08/24/2022 Wednesday Hike: Middle Prong Trail to Indian Flats Falls
08/20/2022 AT Work Trip
08/20/2022 Map Marker: Long Bunk and Little Cataloochee Trails
08/13/2022 SMHC Annual Election Picnic 2022
08/10/2022 Wednesday Hike: Gabes Mtn, Henwallow Falls and CS34
08/06/2022 Off Trail Hike: LeConte, Roaring Fork, Basin Spring
07/30/2022 Bald River Falls
07/23/2022 Map Marker: Welch Ridge-High Rocks-Bear Creek
07/20/2022 Wednesday Hike: Fighting Creek Gap-Elkmont Loop
07/16/2022 Thomas Divide Trail to Campsite 52
07/16/2022 Off Trail Hike: Drinkwater Pool
07/13/2022 Wednesday Hike: Rich Mountain
07/09/2022 AT Work Trip
07/02/2022 Forks of the River
06/25/2022 Clingmans Dome to Newfound Gap
06/22/2022 Wednesday Hike: Metcalf Bottoms, Little Brier Gap, Little Greenbrier and Laurel Falls Trails
06/18/2022 Gregory Bald via Gregory Ridge
06/12/2022 Easy Hike: Lower Mt Cammerer Trail to Sutton Ridge Overlook
06/11/2022 Spicewood-Chimney Top Loop, Frozen Head State Park
06/11/2022 Off Trail Hike: Frowning Rock Prong
06/08/2022 Wednesday Hike: Lumber Ridge to Meigs Mountain to Campsite 19
05/29/2022 Fork Ridge and Noland Divide Trails with Carolina Mountain Club
05/25/2022 Wednesday Hike: Canal and Baker Hollow, East Lakeshore Trail
05/21/2022 Beech Gap to Bob’s Bald
05/14/2022 Ace Gap Trail
05/14/2022 Map Marker: Deep Creek
05/14/2022 Off Trail Hike: Kuwahi Scar and Rattler Branch
05/11/2022 Wednesday Hike: Sinking Creek, East Lakeshore Trail
05/07/2022 AT Work Trip
04/23/2022 Cosby and Big Creek Backpack
04/23/2022 Black Mountain to Ozone Falls
04/23/2022 Off Trail Hike: Bent Arm Manway
04/20/2022 Wednesday Hike: Shuckstack Mountain
04/16/2022 Panther Branch and Old North Mac Flower Hike
04/13/2022 Wednesday Hike: Ace Gap Trail to Beard Cane Trail to CS3
04/10/2022 Porters Creek
04/09/2022 Off Trail Hike: Courthouse Rock and Quilliam Cave
04/02/2022 AT Work Trip
03/30/2022 Wednesday Hike: Cumberland Trail - Hwy 68 to Black Mountain
03/26/2022 Easy Hike: UT Arboretum
03/26/2022 Rich Mountain Loop
03/26/2022 Off Trail Hike: Blindside Ridge
03/19/2022 Bradley Fork to Cabin Flats
03/16/2022 Wednesday Hike: Laurel Snow State Natural Area—Laurel Falls and Buzzard Point Overlook
03/12/2022 Chestnut Top
03/05/2022 AT Work Trip
03/05/2022 Off Trail Hike: Little Cataloochee
02/27/2022 Easy Hike: Gallaher Bend Greenway
02/26/2022 Abrams Falls from Abrams Creek Ranger Station
02/26/2022 Off Trail Hike: Old Settlers Trail via Big Copeland Creek
02/19/2022 New Member Hike: Rainbow Falls
02/12/2022 Mill Creek and Loyston Point at Norris Lake
02/12/2022 Off Trail Hike: Heintooga Bike & Hike
02/09/2022 Wednesday Hike: Lead Cove/Bote Mountain/Thunderhead
02/05/2022 Old Sugarlands/Twin Creeks/Gatlinburg Trails
02/02/2022 Wednesday Hike: Stinging Fork Falls Section of Cumberland Trail
01/29/2022 Tellico Lakeshore Trail
01/26/2022 Wednesday Hike: West Prong / Bote Mountain / Finley Cane / Lead Cove
01/22/2022 North Boundary Greenway
01/16/2022 Ijams Nature Center
01/15/2022 Little River – Cucumber Loop
01/12/2022 Wednesday Hike: Bird Mountain / Lookout Tower / South Old Mac Loop at Frozen Head State Park
01/08/2022 Alcoa Greenway
01/01/2022 Seven Islands State Birding Park
12/12/2021 House Mountain
12/11/2021 Easy Hike: Wheat Community and Black Burial Grounds
12/08/2021 Wednesday Hike: Frozen Head State Park: Spicewood Trail to Mart Field or Chimney Top
12/04/2021 Spence Field and Russell Field Loop
12/01/2021 Wednesday Hike: Rich Mountain Loop
11/27/2021 Norris Watershed and State Park
11/20/2021 Smokies History Hike
11/13/2021 Easy Hike: Lily Bluff Overlook of the Obed River and Boulder Field Trail
11/13/2021 Off Trail Hike: Panther Stairs
11/10/2021 Wednesday Hike: Lakeshore Trail to CS90
11/07/2021 AT Work Trip
11/03/2021 Wednesday Hike: Brushy Mountain
10/30/2021 Mount Cammerer
10/24/2021 Easy Hike: New Trails at Sharps Ridge Veterans Memorial Park
10/24/2021 Brushy Mountain
10/20/2021 Wednesday Hike: Lost Creek State Natural Area to Virgin Falls
10/16/2021 Shuckstack Fire Tower
10/16/2021 Off-Trail Hike: The Spire
10/09/2021 Fiery Gizzard Trail, South Cumberland State Park
10/06/2021 Wednesday Hike: Ramsey Cascades Out and Back
10/02/2021 AT Work Trip
09/25/2021 AT Family Hike: Davenport Gap and Shelter
09/25/2021 Mount LeConte
09/22/2021 Wednesday Hike: Elkmont Loop to CS23
09/18/2021 Off-Trail Hike: Wilson Falls
09/15/2021 Wednesday Hike: Mount LeConte
09/11/2021 AT Work Trip
09/05/2021 Easy Hike: Urban Wilderness Gateway and Baker Creek
09/04/2021 History Walk: Manhattan Project
08/28/2021 Clingmans Dome to Newfound Gap
08/21/2021 Easy Hike: Tennessee Arboretum
08/21/2021 Hemphill Bald
08/14/2021 SMHC Annual Election Picnic
08/11/2021 Wednesday Hike: Middle Prong Trail to Indian Flats Falls
08/08/2021 A.T. Vista Hike
08/07/2021 AT Work Trip
08/07/2021 Off-Trail Hike: The Gorges
08/04/2021 Wednesday Hike: Gabes Mountain Trail to Campsite 34
07/31/2021 Easy Hike: Little River Trail and Elkmont
07/31/2021 Charlies Bunion
07/28/2021 Wednesday Hike: Little River, Huskey Gap and Sugarland Mtn Trails
07/24/2021 Cumberland Trail to New River & Lick Creek Peak
07/24/2021 Off-Trail Hike: Steeltrap Falls
07/21/2021 Wednesday Hike: Rich Mtn, Indian Grave Gap, and Scott Mtn
07/17/2021 Knoxville Botanical Garden
07/10/2021 AT Work Trip
06/26/2021 Cataloochee Divide
06/19/2021 Gregory Bald via Long Hungry Ridge
06/12/2021 The Rocky Crag, Off-Trail Hike
06/12/2021 Roan Mountain Backpack
06/05/2021 National Trails Day Event
05/31/2021 Memorial Day joint SMHC/CMC hike: Kephart Prong to A.T. by two routes!
05/29/2021 Ramsey Cascade Hike
05/08/2021 Hike - Ace Gap
05/01/2021 AT Work Trip
04/24/2021 Hike - Black Mountain / Cumberland Trail
04/18/2021 Hike - White Oak Sink
04/17/2021 Hike - Frozen Head Wildflower Hike
For information about the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, visit the NPS website or call the information line at (865) 436-1200.

Smoky Mountains Hiking Club

PO Box 51592

Knoxville, TN 37950-1592

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