Motto: Do good, have fun, be safe, and be kind to one another.
Mission: To further the maintenance of the Appalachian Trail (A.T.) and its assets throughout the 100+ miles of trail maintained by Smoky Mountains Hiking Club (SMHC) in Great Smoky Mountains National Park (GRSM) and Nantahala National Forest from Fontana Dam to Wesser, NC.
- The SMHC Appalachian Trail Maintainers Committee (ATMC) exists as a committee of the SMHC Board of Directors (BOD).
- The SMHC ATMC participates with its agency partners in A.T. maintenance efforts: Appalachian Trail Conservancy (ATC), National Park Service (NPS) and US Forest Service (USFS).
- The SMHC ATMC endeavors to uphold the SMHC commitment to maintain the A.T., as delineated in the various Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) and Local Management Practices (LMP).
- The SMHC ATMC leadership team, as outlined in Roles and Responsibilities, has the primary role in interactions with agency partners and for A.T. maintenance activities within approved MOUs & LMPs.
- ATMC Membership shall be open to any person who is active in the mission of the ATMC.
- SMHC Membership is encouraged but shall not be a prerequisite.
- ATC Membership is encouraged but shall not be a prerequisite.
- Members and participants shall abide by the SMHC Code of Conduct.
- ATMC Leadership positions shall be on a voluntary basis and at the discretion of the ATMC Officers.
- It is desirable for the Leadership positions to rotate among all ATMC members.
- Individuals in ATMC leadership positions should hold the minimum practical number of roles to avoid overload.
- ATMC Officers shall serve a one-calendar-year term.
- ATMC Officers may serve a maximum of four consecutive one-year terms in a single position.
- ATMC membership shall nominate and elect its own officers who will serve with the concurrence of the SMHC BOD.
- While the Vice Chairperson normally succeeds the Chairperson, this does not occur automatically, but through an open election within the ATMC where other candidates may be nominated.
- Annual ATMC Officer elections shall be held during a regular meeting in the third quarter of the year with terms beginning at the first of the calendar year.