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Smoky Mountains

Hiking Club

A.T. Maintainers Committee Principles for Governance

Motto: Do good, have fun, be safe, and be kind to one another.

Mission: To further the maintenance of the Appalachian Trail (A.T.) and its assets throughout the 100+ miles of trail maintained by Smoky Mountains Hiking Club (SMHC) in Great Smoky Mountains National Park (GRSM) and Nantahala National Forest from Fontana Dam to Wesser, NC.


  • The SMHC Appalachian Trail Maintainers Committee (ATMC) exists as a committee of the SMHC Board of Directors (BOD).
  • The SMHC ATMC participates with its agency partners in A.T. maintenance efforts: Appalachian Trail Conservancy (ATC), National Park Service (NPS) and US Forest Service (USFS).
  • The SMHC ATMC endeavors to uphold the SMHC commitment to maintain the A.T., as delineated in the various Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) and Local Management Practices (LMP).
  • The SMHC ATMC leadership team, as outlined in Roles and Responsibilities, has the primary role in interactions with agency partners and for A.T. maintenance activities within approved MOUs & LMPs.


  • ATMC Membership shall be open to any person who is active in the mission of the ATMC.
  • SMHC Membership is encouraged but shall not be a prerequisite.
  • ATC Membership is encouraged but shall not be a prerequisite.
  • Members and participants shall abide by the SMHC Code of Conduct.


  • ATMC Leadership positions shall be on a voluntary basis and at the discretion of the ATMC Officers.
  • It is desirable for the Leadership positions to rotate among all ATMC members.
  • Individuals in ATMC leadership positions should hold the minimum practical number of roles to avoid overload.


  • ATMC Officers shall serve a one-calendar-year term.
  • ATMC Officers may serve a maximum of four consecutive one-year terms in a single position.
  • ATMC membership shall nominate and elect its own officers who will serve with the concurrence of the SMHC BOD.
  • While the Vice Chairperson normally succeeds the Chairperson, this does not occur automatically, but through an open election within the ATMC where other candidates may be nominated.
  • Annual ATMC Officer elections shall be held during a regular meeting in the third quarter of the year with terms beginning at the first of the calendar year.
For information about the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, visit the NPS website or call the information line at (865) 436-1200.

Smoky Mountains Hiking Club

PO Box 51592

Knoxville, TN 37950-1592

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