For this hike along historic Old Settlers Trail, we'll leave some cars at the Steiner Bell resort parking lot, then shuttle ourselves further down the road to the pull-out for the Tyson-McCarter barn. We'll visit the Tyson-McCarter barn, then start hiking west on OST. There are fine chimneys, rock walls, and the remote grave of Johnny Ramsey to see. There are some creek crossings, but this leader will scout the section we'll be hiking close to time, and let you know conditions. We are also starting further west than the original hike description in the 2022 handbook to avoid some of the bigger crossings near the Cosby end of OST. Hike approximately 8 miles. Rated moderate-difficult (some off-trail). Meet at Strawberry Plains Cracker Barrel promptly at 8am or at Steiner Bell Lodge parking lot, 3610 East Parkway, Gatlinburg, at 9:15am. RT mileage 80 miles from Cracker Barrel= $8.00.
Leader: Diane Petrilla and Brain Worley
Leader contact information is included under Additional Information in the email you receive after registration.
Smoky Mountains Hiking Club
PO Box 51592
Knoxville, TN 37950-1592